
UNIT 2 Dignity Of Work - Words/Meaning and Summary


Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right - Reading Comprehension - Dignity Of Work - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right
Reading Comprehension
Dignity Of Work

Words Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.NO. Words Meanings
 1. Ashamed Embarrassed or guilty because of one's actions, abashed, Feeling shame 
 2. Advanced Progressive
 3. Charity Generosity
 4. Companion Friend
 5. Corn Cereal
 6. Cross In a bad mood, Angry
 7. Cupboard Shelved cabinet
 8. Customer Client
 9. Deliver Distribute
 10. Dignity Respect, Prestige
 11. Ditch Trench
 12. Dustbin Metal containing for rubbish
 13. Empty Vacant
 14. Example For instance, sample
 15. Favourite Specially liked, Preferences, Dearest, Popular
 16. Fetched Went for and brought back, to go and bring
 17. Forget Not remember
 18. Ground Make powder
 19. Human beings  Mankind
 20. Labour Hard work
 21. Mended Repair
 22. Mud Clay
 23. Needy Poor
 24. Neighbour One who lives close
 25. Noble Pious
 26. Odd Strange
 27. Official Government officers
 28. Progress Advancement
 29. Quietly Silently
 30. Repaired Past tense of repair, mended
 31. Sack Bag
 32. Social Friendly
 33. Service Work
 34. Swept Past tense pf sweep, To clean, Broom
 35. Transcribe Write
 36. Treat Behave towards somebody
 37. Trench Ditch
 38. Untidy Dirty
 39. Wages Salary
 40. Widow A woman whose husband is dead

Short note Or Summary on DIGNITY OF WORK

One day Akhtar came late from the school and he was in angry mood. When mother inquired of him, he did not answer. At the lunch time his uncle Mr. Inayat came to visit them. At the inquiry of his uncle he explained that, social work week was being observed in his school and his teacher asked him to do inferior work. Mr. Inayat asked him whether their teacher did any work. He told him that his class teacher swept the class room and Head Master cleaned the bath room. Mr. Inayat told him that when his teacher had not felt insulted by doing inferior work, he should not have any cause for grumbling. Then he gave the example of the Holy Prophet (peace by upon him) who felt pride in doing work with his own blessed hands. He further told him that his companion were also liked him and followed him. Hazrat Abu Bakar worked for widows and old neighbour. Hazrat Omar and Hazrat Ali did labour work. Hazrat Fatima did house hold work with her own hands. Caliph Omar bin Abdul Aziz refused to hire a servant to help his wife. Sultan Nasir-uddin earned his living by making caps and Emperor Aurangzeb by transcribing Holy Quran. Their uncle also told them that in China and America people do not feel shame in doing inferior work. Even high officials do so. After hearing such things Akhtar also realized his mistake and promised that he would not feel shame in doing work with his own hands in the future.


There is a physical attitude regarding manual works i.e. doing minor work is contrary to one's status or dignity. This feeling or attitude has deeply got rooted in our society. This attitude needs to be changed. Akhtar got angry because the teacher made him dust the cupboard and the desk, during the social service work at school. He thought that it was servant's work to clean the cupboard and the desk. This made him cross. However, when his uncle, Mr. Inayat came to visit his family, he was not cross any more. Mr. Inayat told him about the dignity of work. He told that the advanced countries have learnt the dignity of work. Everybody works there. They are not ashamed of doing work while we avoid doing work.
He said that our Prophet (Peace Be Upon him) and his companions did their work with their own hands. Akhtar understood the dignity of work and promised not to mind working with his hands in the future.

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