
UNIT 2 Dignity Of Work - - Reference To Context

Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right - Reading Comprehension - Dignity Of Work - - Reference To Context

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Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right
Dignity Of Work

Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book Two For Class X
Lesson: Dignity Of Work
Speakers: Mr. Inayat (Uncle), Akhtar, Rukhsana

1. “Is it a matter of shame to clean what we ourselves make dirty?
(i) Name the lesson and the speaker.
(ii) To whom were these words spoken? and why?
(iii) What did the speaker tell the children?
(i) Lesson: Dignity Of Work
Speaker: Uncle Inayat
(ii) Mr. Inayat spoke these words to Akhtar because Akhtar was cross  when he came to home as his teacher had made him dust the cupboard and the desks.
(iii) Mr. Inayat was children's favourite uncle. He had visited many parts of the world and always told them interesting things. But on that particular day, he told the children about the importance of dignity of work with our own hands.

2."Then we should treat them as we treat ourselves and should always be ready to do ourselves what we ask them to do for us."
(i) Name the lesson and the speaker.
(ii) To whom were these words spoken? and why?
(iii) What reason did the listener give to speaker for not doing work with his /her hands?
(i) Lesson: Dignity Of Work
Speaker: Uncle Inayat
(ii) Mr. Inayat spoke these words to Akhtar because Akhtar came to home as his teacher had made him dust the cupboard and the desks.
(iii) The reason Akhter told his uncle was that they were having the Social Service week at school and they had to do work of servants and gardeners, which he did not like.

3. "But this is because we have forgotten the noble example of our Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him). He would never ask anyone to do anything, which he himself would not do. He loved doing work for himself and for others with his own hands."
(i) Name the lesson and the speaker.
(ii) To whom were these words spoken? and why?
(iii) Why did the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) love to work with his own hands? Or What lesson do we get from the life of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him)?
(i) Lesson: Dignity Of Work
Speaker: Uncle Inayat
(ii) Mr. Inayat spoke these words to Akhtar and Rukhsana to show the importance of dignity of work with our own hands.
(iii)  Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was a wonderful example of dignity of work. He loved to do the work for himself and for others with his own hands. He would never ask anyone to do anything, which he himself would not do. He never felt shy in repairing and mending his shoes, washing clothes and sweeping room. He actively took part in the construction of Mosque, at Medina and proudly joined his companions in digging ditch outside the Medina.
4. "Were his companions not like him uncle?"
(i) Name the lesson and the speaker.
(ii) To whom were these words spoken? and why?
(iii) What did the listener reply?
(iv) What did the companion of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) do to establish the examples of dignity of work?
(i) Lesson: Dignity Of Work
Speaker: Rukhsana
(ii) Rukhsana asked this question to his uncle because she admitting the importance of dignity of work by asking the noble example of the companion of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him.
(iii) Yes, the companions of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) were like him. They always followed what the Prophet (peace be upon him) said or did, and loved doing work with their hands. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) would never ask anyone to do anything, which he himself would not do.
(iv) Hazrat Abu Bakar not only did his own work but also fetched water for widows and neighbours who were very old and had no one to work for them. Hazrat Omar once carried on his shoulders a large sack of flour for a needy family. Hazrat Ali laboured in the garden of a Jew and gave away his wages in charity. Hazrat Fatima  fetched water, ground corn and swept the house.
5."O, no! It happens in the advanced countries even . They have learned the dignity of work while we have forgotten it."
(i) Name the lesson and the speaker.
(ii) To whom were these words spoken? 
(iii) What is meant by dignity of work and who has forgotten it?
(iv) Write about any one advance country who has established the example of dignity of work? 
(i) Lesson: Dignity Of Work
Speaker: Uncle Inayat
(ii) Uncle Inayat told this to Akhtar and Rukhsana to show the importance of dignity of work with our own hands.
(iii) Dignity of work means importance and value of certain form of work. One should never feel shy in doing work. In fact, we must be proud of performing various duties for collective benefits. Muslims has forgotten the dignity o work.

(iv)  In China, everyone has to spend sometime each year working in the fields or in a factory. Even the Prime Minister and his wife do this work. They have learnt the dignity of work and believe that all ought to work and, no wonder, they are making such quick progress.

6. "But uncle, all these are the stories of the past." 

 (i) Name the lesson and the speaker and the person spoken to?
(ii) What did his uncle reply?
(iii) Why the speaker was cross?
(i) Lesson: Dignity Of Work
Speaker: Uncle Inayat
Listener: Akhtar and uncle Inayat
(ii) His Uncle replied surprisingly and told them that It has happened in the advanced countries even . They have learned the dignity of work while we have forgotten it.
(iii) Akhter was having the Social Service week at school and all boys of the class had to do work of servants and gardeners. He was cross because the teacher made him dust the cupboard and the desks.


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