
UNIT 2 Dignity Of Work - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise Unit 2.1

Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right - Reading Comprehension - Dignity Of Work - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise Unit 2.1

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Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right
Reading Comprehension
Dignity Of Work

Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise


Q.1: Why did Akhter not answer his mother?
Ans:. Akhter, being stubborn did not answer his mother. He was feeling cross and angry because he was made to do the work of servants and gardeners with his own hands.

Q.2: What did Mr. Inayat tell the children?
Ans:. Mr. Inayat was children's favourite uncle. He had been to many countries and always told them interesting things. But on that particular day, he told the children about the importance of dignity of work with our own hands.

Q.3: What reason did Akhter give to his uncle for being cross?
Ans: Akhter told his uncle that they were having the social service week at school, so they all had to do work of servants and gardeners. He was cross because the teacher made him dust the cupboard and the desks.

Q.4: What did the teacher do himself?
Ans: The teacher swept the room and emptied the dustbin. The head master also took part in the activities by cleaning bathroom.

Q.5: What did the Holy Prophet (
) love? What work did he do? OR How did our Holy Prophet () set the examples of dignity of work? OR What lesson do we get from the life of Holy Prophet () about the dignity of work? OR What do we learn from the life of the Holy Prophet ()?
Ans: Holy Prophet (
) was a noble example of dignity of work. He () would never ask anyone to do anything, that he () himself would not do. He () loved doing work for himself and for others. He () repaired his own shoes, mended and washed his clothes and swept his room. When the mosque was being built in Medina, He () carried mud and building material, just like all others. During the battle of Khandaq, He () joined his companions in digging the trench outside Medina.

Q.6: Were the companions of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) like Him?
Ans: Yes, the companions of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) were like him. They always followed what the Prophet (peace be upon him) said or did, and loved doing work with their hands. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) would never ask anyone to do anything, which he himself would not do.

Q.7: What did Hazrat Abu Bakar (
) do? 
Ans: Hazrat Abu Bakar (
) was the founder of Caliphate-hood. Following of footsteps of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H), Hazrat Abu Bakar () not only did his own work but also fetched water for widows and neighbours, who were very old and had no one to work for them.

Q.8: What did Hazrat Fatima (
) do?
Ans: Hazrat Fatima (
)  did all her house work herself. She fetched water, ground corn and swept the house.

Q.9: How did Sultan Nasir uddin earn his living?
Ans: Sultan Nasir-uddin was a very pious Emperor of Muslims. He earned his living by making caps.

Q.10: What does everyone do in China? OR How has China able to make such a rapid growth in every walk of life?
Ans: In China, everyone has to spend sometime each year working in the fields or in a factory. Even the Prime Minister and his wife do this work. They have learnt the dignity of work and believe that all ought to work, hence, no wonder, they are making such quick progress.

Q.11: What was going on at Akhtar's school? In what way did he participate?
Ans: It was an event of Social Service week at school. Akhtar participated by dusting the cupboards and the desks.

Q.12: How did the different or famous Muslims rulers set the examples of dignity of work?
Ans: Hazrat Abu Bakar (
) not only did his own work but also fetched water for widows and neighbours who were very old and had no one to do the work for them. Once, Hazrat Umar () carried a large sack of flour for a needy family on his shoulder. Hazrat Ali () laboured in the garden of a jew and gave away his wages in charity. Calip Umar Bin Abdul Aziz refused to hire a servent to help his wife. Caliph Mamun-ur-Rashid served himself and his guests. Sultan Nasir-ud-Din earned his living by making caps and Emperor Auranzeb by transcribing the Holy Quran.

Q.13: What do you understand by"dignity of work"?
Ans: Dignity of work means importance and value of certain form of work. One should never feel shy in doing work. In fact, we must be proud of performing various duties for collective benefits.

Q.14: How did the Emperor Aurangzeb earn his living?
Ans: The Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb earned his living by transcribing the holy Quran.

Q.15: What did the companion of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) do to establish the examples of dignity of work? OR How did our Holy Prophet and his companions set the examples of dignity of work?
Ans: The Holy Prophet (
) would never ask anyone to do anything, that he () himself would not do. He () loved doing work for himself and for others. The companion of our Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) always followed what the Prophet (peace be upon him) said or did. Hazrat Abu Bakar () not only did his own work but also fetched water for widows and neighbours who were very old and had no one to do the work for them. Once, Hazrat Umar () carried a large sack of flour for a needy family on his shoulder. Hazrat Ali () laboured in the garden of a jew and gave away his wages in charity. Hazrat Fatima () fetched water, ground corn and swept the house.

Q.16: Why did Hazrat Ali (
) work in the garden of a Jew? What did he do with his wages?

Ans: To Earn a living, Hazrat Ali (
) laboured in the garden of a jew. He would give away his wages in charity what he would get there.

Q.17: What did the teacher and headmaster do?
Ans: The teacher swept the room and emptied the dustbin. The headmaster cleaned the bathroom.

Q.18: How did Mr. Inayat convince Akhtar not to mind working with his own hands in future?
Ans: Mr. Inayat convinced Akhtar not to mind working with his own hands in future by giving, noble examples from Islamic history and developing countries.

UNIT 2.1




What do you think is the central idea of the text? From the options given below tick the correct answer:
a. One should be ashamed of doing work
b. One should be worried when asked to do work
c. One should have respect for all people who work.


Match column A words with their corresponding meaning in column B and write the answer in column C. The first one has been done as an example.







 a) A leading business man




 b) Of low value




 c) angry




 d) Bring something for some one




 e) Provide reason for doing better




 f) Put in written form




 g) Not treating everyone equally




 h) Affecting deeply / uplifting




 i) Exactly




 j) Famous person




Read the text and find who did the following jobs. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.





 Fetched water for old people

Hazrat Abu Bakar ()


 Carried flour for someone

Hazrat Omar ()


 Swept the house

Hazrat Fatima ()


 Made caps for a living

Sultan Nasir-Ud-Din


 Served food to his guests

Caliph Mamun Ur Rashid


 Repaired his shoes

Holy Prophet ()


 Transcribed the Holy Quran

Emperor Aurangzeb


 Worked in the garden of a Jew

Hazrat Ali ()


 Carried mud and building material

Holy Prophet ()


 Mended and washed his clothes

Holy Prophet ()



Read the text book and circle the right option to fill the blanks in the following sentences. After doing the exercise, compare your answers with your partner.
1. Akhtar was _____ because he was asked to clean cupboards and desks.
a. happy
b. upset
c. angry

d. none of these

2. The head master did menial work, which made Akhtar feel _____.
a. Excited
b. sad
c. ashamed

d. worried

3. At the time of battle of ____, our Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (رسول اللہ خاتم النبیین صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) took part in digging a trench.
a. Uhad
b. Badar
c. Khandaq

d. Tabooq

4. Sultan Nasir Uddin earned his living by making ______.
a. Caps

b. pots
c. armours
d. jewellery

5. A business tycoon did not have any ______ for work.
a. Plumber
b. carpenter
c. servant

d. chef

6. Developed countries ______ the dignity of work.
a. Plan
b. request
c. understand

d. explain

7. In China it is mandatory for everyone to work in the field or in a ______.
a. School
b. factory

c. restaurant
d. government office

8. The son of a high US government official used to deliver news papers to be _______.
a. Useful
b. independent 

c. dependent
d. punctual

9. Successful people believe that people who do all kinds of jobs should be treated _____.
a. Neutrally
b. unequally

c. equally
d. none of these

10. Akhter realized that all workers should be respected without ______.
a. Discrimination

b. manipulation
c. supervision
d. administration


Read the text and mark the statements as true or false. After completing, compare your answers with your partner and make corrections where needed.






 Akhtar returned home from school a little late




 The head master of the school cleaned the bathrooms .




 The teacher did not do any work.




 There was a social gathering of servants and gardeners in the school.




 People in developed countries normally do their own work.




 The president’s son used to paint the walls in a hostel.




 The Chinese believe that everyone should do all kinds of work.




 Uncle Inayat read the story of a famous business man in newspaper




 Respect for all honest work is the slogan of Rukhsana




 In the present time, it is expected that people doing all kinds of jobs are equal.





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