
ENG 10 The Wise Caliph - Reference To Context


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Unit-1 - Contributions Of Notable Leaders
Reading Comprehension
The Wise Caliph

Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
Lesson Name: Wise Caliph
Speakers: Caliph Haroon Rashid, Qazi, The rich man and The beggar

1. "I've brought before you a dispute which I could not settle. It is a difficult case, but I am certain that with your knowledge and wisdom, you will pronounce a just decision."
(i) Name the speaker and the lesson?
(ii) To whom were these words spoken and why?
(iii) What was the dispute?
(i) Lesson: The Wise Caliph
Speaker: The Qazi
(ii) These words were spoken to the Caliph Haroon Rashid. The Qazi of the city was unable to settle a difficult case and brought it before the Caliph.
(iii) The dispute was between the rich man and the beggar because of a horse. Both of them were claiming the ownership of horse and accusing each other of robbery.

2. "These two men here are fighting over this horse. Each one of them claims and swears that this horse is his."
(i) Name the speaker and the lesson and To whom were these words spoken?
(ii) Who was the real owner of horse?
(iii) How was it discovered that who is the real owner of the horse?
(i) Lesson: The Wise Caliph
Speaker: The Qazi
These words were spoken to the Caliph Haroon Rashid.
(ii) The Rich man was the real owner of the horse.
(iii) The Caliph, being wise, settled the dispute in a minute. He ordered both the men to touch the horse. When the beggar touched the horse, it showed the displeasure by wincing. But when the rich man touched the horse, It neighed and snorted with pleasure. In this manner the case was decided and the Caliph was able to prove that the rich man was real owner and the beggar was a liar and wicked man.

3. "I pulled the reins of my horse. He begged me to give him a ride up to the city gate. He was lame. I felt sorry for him. So I pulled him up behind me on the horse."
(i) Name the speaker and the lesson?
(ii) When did the speaker says these words?
(iii) Where were these words spoken?
(iv) Who begged for a ride?
(i) Lesson: The Wise Caliph
Speaker: The Rich man
(ii) When the rich man told about the beggar to the caliph that how he begged for a ride to a city gate.
(iii) These words were spoken in the court of Caliph Haroon Rashid.
(iv) A lame beggar in a rag begged for a ride.

4. "Now, be off and don't you mention it to anyone. And even if you do, nobody is going to believe you. Now, Sir I beg you to save me from this robber and restore to me what is my own."
(i) Name the speaker and the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) To whom were these words spoken and why?
(iii) To whom speaker called a robber and why nobody believe on speaker?
(i) Lesson: The Wise Caliph
Speaker: The Beggar
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) These words were spoken to the Caliph Haroon Rashid in the court by the beggar, when he was lying to accused the rich man and claiming false ownership of a horse.

(iii) Beggar called a rich man a robber and  he lied that rich man told him that no body believe him that he was a owner of a horse, which is true.

5."I think this case is not very difficult to decide, I shall decide it in a minute. Tell these men to place their hands on the horse, one by one. Let the beggar do it first."
(i) Name the speaker and the lesson?
(ii) Who was the next man to place his hands on the horse?
(iii) Where were these words spoken?
(i) Lesson: The Wise Caliph
Speaker: The Caliph Haroon Rashid
(ii) The rich man was the next person to place his hands on the horse.
(iii) The Caliph Haroon Rashid said these words to Qazi in his court to settle dispute between the rich man and the beggar on the horse.

6. "You are a liar and a wicked man. You tried to rob an honest and respectable citizen. You deserve severe punishment, but I shall be merciful and forgive you this time, if you, beg forgiveness of this gentleman here."
(i) Name the speaker and the lesson?
(ii) To whom were these words spoken and why?
(iii) Who was liar and how it was proved?
(i) Lesson: The Wise Caliph
Speaker: The Caliph Haroon Rashid
(ii) The Caliph Haroon Rashid said these words to beggar in his court when he proved and declared his decision that the rich man owned the horse.
(iii) A lame beggar was a liar because when he touched the horse, it winced as it did not like the touched of his hand.

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