
ENG 10 The Voice Of God (Poem) - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary


Unit-1 - Contributions Of Notable Leaders - Reading Comprehension - The Voice Of God (Poem) - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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Unit-1 - Contributions Of Notable Leaders
Reading Comprehension
The Voice Of God (Poem)

Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea  and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.NO. Words Meanings
1. AmongAmidst
2. BentTendency
3. Climbed (Past tense of climb) Mounted, Went up (Go up)
4. DeclareTo say something clearly or firmly, Announce
5. DwellTo live
6. SoughtThe past tense of seek, To search, To want, Looked for
7. NoteMessage
8. PeopleMasses, Public
9. SteepleThe tallest part of a religious building, Minaret
10. TopmostThe highest
11 VoiceSound

About Poet
Louis I. Newman (1893-1972)

This Poem is written by Dr. Louis I. Newman. He was a prominent American poet. He was born in 1983 in Providence Rhode Island (USA). He studied at Brown University. After his doctorate, he joined a Columbia University as a lecturer. He is the author of many books on religious subject. His poem "The Voice Of God" shows his religious attitude. He died in 1972. The Poem "Th Voice Of God" brings out his religious bent of mind.

Central Idea OR Message

The poem “The voice of God” gives an idea that God is omnipresent that is He is present in the whole universe and if we want to gain nearness to God, we should love and serve the suffering humanity.


If some one want to be close to God, he should not aloof himself from people. God loves those, who love people. God is always with people.


The message or central idea of the poem "The voice Of God" Written by Louis I, Newman, is that we should be very friendly and loving to other people. This is the best way we can follow to please God. God is happy with that person who takes care and serves mankind. If someone wants to be close to God, he should not aloof himself from the people. God live among the people. therefore love to the mankind is actually the love of God.


In this poem Louis I. Newman says that once he wanted to hear the voice of God. So he climbed to the top of the steeple of a church. But God declared that he lives among the people and ordered the poet to go down to them. In this short poem, the poet actually wants to say that God is pleased with those who love and serve the creatures of God. This poem tell us that God is present everywhere all the time.


The poet Louis I Newman was desirous to hear the voice of God, so one day he climbed the tallest part of a religious building. There he heard the voice of God, Who said to him that He dwells among the people so he should go to there where he can fin Him. Message or theme of the poem is that God loves and lives among the people. This poem expresses the love and closeness of God to mankind.

Poem With Sindhi Translation

"I sought to hear the voice of God,
And climbed the topmost steeple.
But God declared, “Go down again,
I dwell among the people.”

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