
ENG 10 Reading Comprehension - The Voice Of God (Poem) - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise


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Unit-1 - Contributions Of Notable Leaders
Reading Comprehension
The Voice Of God (Poem)

Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Notes
Words / Meanings
1. Steeple: The tallest part of a religious building. (Line 2)

B. Exercise
Q.1: Why did author climb to the steeple? OR Why did the poet climb the steeple?
Ans. The poet climbed the steeple because he believed that God would be found of such high places. Therefore, he climbed up in order to have the honour of being close to God and hear His voice.
The author climbed the steeple because he thought that by climbing the steeple he will get closer to God and be able to hear the voice of God.
The poet wanted to hear the voice of God from the place as close as possible so he climbed the steeple.

Q.2: Why did God tell him to go down again? OR Why did the God ask the peot to go down again in the poem "The Voice Of God"?

Ans: God told the poet to go down again because he does not live only in the sky. He is every where, we may find Him by serving the suffering humanity and by removing their difficulties. The poet is trying to say that even a common man can find Him.
God told him to go down because He(God) lives among his people, if we want to get close to God we must have faith on him and should perform good deeds and love his fellow beings.
God told the poet to go down again because He dwells among the people. the poet is not aloof from people. So God asked the poet to go to them and mingle with. To love one's fellowmen is the best way to win God's love. god loves those people who are caring and loving to other people. if we wnt to be close to God, we should love people and help them.

Q.3: Say in your own words what do you think is the message of this poem. OR Write down the main idea of the poem "The Voice Of God"?

Ans: Through the poem “The voice of God”, the poet conveys the message that God is present everywhere. He is all seeing and hearing. We may win His happiness by serving our fellow beings and by putting them at ease.
The message of the poem "The Voice of God" is that everything in the nature speaks of the presence of God, so we can find Him any time. The poems also tells that God is very close to people and lives in their hearts. And God wants from all of us to love our fellowmen and serve humanity.
The message of the poem is that we should be very friendly and loving to other people. This is one of the best things that a man can do. God is happy with that person who takes care of and serves mankind.


Q.4: Who has composed the poem “The voice of God” and what do you know about the poet? Or write about the poet of the poem "The Voice Of God"
Ans: The poem “The voice of God” has been composed by “Louis I Newman (1893-1972)”. He was an American poet. He was born in Providence Rhode Island (USA). He studied at Brown University and after his doctorate lectured at Columbia. He is the author of many books on religious subjects. This poem brings out his religious bent of mind

Q.5: “I dwell among the people” what does this line mean according to the poem” The voice of God”. OR What did the poet mean to say "I dwell among the people”?

Ans: The poet wanted to hear the voice of God. He climbed the highest steeple in order to seek the nearness to God but God told him to go down and mingle among the people. The experience of ascending the steeple taught the poet a lesson that the search of God is hidden in the services of mankind.
God loves all his creature specially human being most of all. Human being are his most beloved creation. therefore, we should not separate ourself from people.

Q.6: What is the central idea of this poem? 
Ans: The poem “The voice of God” gives an idea that God is omnipresent that is He is present in the whole universe and if we want to gain nearness to God, we should love and serve the suffering humanity.

Q.7: What type of poem is this?
Ans: This is a religious and moral poem, deeply based on supreme virtues of life such as pity, peace and love. Close relationship between God and those who obey His commands.

Q.8: What does the poet want us to do?
Ans: The poet wants us to love and take care of each other. We must look for God within the humans in order to be close to God, one should be close to his fellowmen. Service to man is service to God.

Q.9: What do you learn about the poet after reading the poet?
Ans: The poet seems to be a good and religious person and he had a natural bent towards religion. He also seems to be very caring for people and wants others to do the same. he thinks that this is the best way to win God's love.

Q.10: Why did the poet climb the steeple and what happened when he reached there?
Ans: The poet Louis I Newman was desirous to hear the voice of God, so one day he climbed the tallest part of a religious building. There he heard the voice of God, Who said to him that He dwells among the people so he should go to there where he can fin Him. Message or theme of the poem is that God loves and lives among the people. This poem expresses the love and closeness of God to mankind.

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