
ENG 10 Reading Comprehension - The Voice Of God (Poem) - Reference To Context


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Unit-1 - Contributions Of Notable Leaders
Reading Comprehension
The Voice Of God (Poem)

Reference To Context

Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book Two For Class X
Poem: The Voice Of God
Poet: Louis. I. Newman (1893-1972)

Explain With Reference To Context (Poem)

1. I sought to hear the voice of God,
And climbed the top most steeple,
But God declared: "Go down again,
I dwell among the people."
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) What does the poet mean to that line " I dwell among the people"?
(iii) What did God declare?
(iv) What is the message of the poem?
(i) Poem: The Voice Of God,
Poet: An American poet Louis . I. Newman
(ii) In that line Poet means that we should search God among the people because He (God) lives among the human being. So the best way to find God is to serve humanity. OR
The poet Lewis I. Newman wanted to hear the voice of God. He climbed the highest steeple in order to seek the nearness to God but God told him to go down and mingle among the people. The experience of ascending the steeple taught the poet a lesson that the search of God is hidden in the services of mankind.
(iii) God declared him to go down because He (God) lives among the people.

(iv) Through the poem “The voice of God”, the poet conveys the message that God is present everywhere. He (God) is all seeing and hearing. We may win His (God) happiness by serving our fellow beings and by putting them at ease.

Words / Meanings:
Steeple: The tallest part of a religious building.

Reference to context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “The Voice of God” written by Louis I. Newman. In this poem poet tells that God is present everywhere. The best way to serve God is to serve human being.

In these lines poet says that he wanted to make conversation with God. In this connection he went up the tower of church. When he reached at the top of the tower God asked him to go down, because he (God) lives among the people. The best way to find him is to serve humanity.

About Poet:
This poem is written by Louis I. Newman (1893-1972). He was born in Providence Rhode Island (USA). He studied at Brown University and after his doctorate lectured at Columbia. He is the author of many books on religious subjects. This poem brings out his religious bent of mind

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