


Biology For Class X - Chapter No. 2 - Homeostasis - Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks


CHAPTER 2 - Homeostasis

Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks


Choose the correct answer:
i) The internal condition of an organism is referred as:
(a) Homeostasis
(b) Internal environment ✓
(c) Internal metabolism
(d) Feedback mechanism

ii) A set of metabolism reaction which maintain internal environment is:
(a) Positive feedback
(b) Negative feedback
(c) Osmoregulation
(d) Homeostasis ✓

iii) Removal of extra liquid water is:
(a) Exudation
(b) Guttation ✓
(c) Respiration
(d) Transpiration

iv) Plant grow near coastal area called:
(a) Xerophyte
(b) Halophyte ✓
(c) Epiphyte
(d) Hygrophyte

v) Organ of human body which is considered on the largest organ is:
(a) Skin ✓
(b) Digestive tract
(c) Liver
(d) Brain

vi) The maintenance of body temperature with in suitable limit is called
(a) Homeotherm
(b) Thermoregulation ✓
(c) Osmoregulation
(d) Heterotherm

vii) The kidney is enclosed in a membrane called
(a) Pericardium
(b) Peritoneum ✓
(c) Pleural membrane
(d) Plumule

viii) The network of blood capillaries present in the layer of skin:
(a) Epidermis
(b) Dermis ✓
(c) Hypodermis
(d) Endodermis

ix) Selective reabsorption in nephron takes place at
(a) Glomerulus
(b) Malpighian body
(c) Convulated tubules
(d) Loop of Henle's ✓

x) The hormone ADH release from
(a) Pituitary gland ✓
(b) Kidneys
(c) Liver
(d) Lungs

xi) Set point of human body temperature is:
a) 27°C
b) 37°C ✓
c) 47°C
d) 57°C

Fill In The Blanks:
  1. Homeostasis is set of metabolism which maintain internal environment of an organism within suitable limits.
  2. Organisms maintain internal condition by feedback mechanism.
  3. There are three main aspects of homeostasis i.e. osmoregulation, thermoregulation and excretion.
  4. Osmoregulation is the maintenance of internal water and salt condition by osmosis.
  5. Thermoregulation is the maintenance of temperature within suitable limits where enzymes can work optimumly.
  6. Excretion is the process where metabolic toxic wastes, excess substances remove from body.
  7. Hydrophytes are the plants which grow in fresh water.
  8. Halophytes grow in sea marshes or in saltish water.
  9. Mesophytes are the plants grow in moderate water containing soil.
  10. Xerophytes are the plants grow in soil of low water quantity.
  11. The main organs involved in human homeostasis are skin, lungs and kidneys.
  12. Human skin is consist of three layers called epidermis, dermis and hypodermis.
  13. Body temperature when rise body produce sweat, hair lies flat, vasodilation.
  14. When body temperature decrease the erection of hairs, vasocontraction, decrease in sweat production and increase in metabolic rate occurs.
  15. Lungs keep the CO2 concentration at low level.
  16. Kidneys maintain blood composition by maintain level of H2O, solutes and nitrogenous waste by the process of filtration and reabsorption.
  17. Kidneys are situated at the dorsal side of the abdominal cavity on either side of the vertebral column.
  18. Nephrons are functional unit of kidney.
  19. Urea is formed in liver and excreted from kidneys.
  20. Mixture of urea, creatinine, uric acid and water called urine.
  21. Kidney stone is a solid mass made of calcium oxalate or carbonate crystals.
  22. Kidney failure patient can be treated with dialysis machine, dialysis machine performs the function of a kidney.

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