



Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks


Choose the correct answer:
i. The artificial manipulation, medication and recombination of DNA:
(a) Genetic engineering ✓
(b) Biotechnology
(c) Molecular Biology
(d) Genetics

ii. The earlier biotechnologist were:
(a) Biologist
(b) Agriculturist
(c) Genetist
(d) Farmers ✓

iii. The complete graph of human genome was studied by:
(a) PCR
(b) HGP (Human Genome project) ✓
(c) Medicine
(d) soma-clonal

iv. Alcohol and antibiotics on large scale production by organism is an area of:
(a) Environmental biotechnology
(b) Fermentation
(c) Biotechnology in industry ✓
(d) Medicinal biotechnology

v. Most of the living things use O2 to produce:
(a) ATP ✓
(b) Alcohol
(c) Organic acid
(d) Ecological pyramid

vi. In acidic formulation lactic acid produced from:
(a) Pyruvic acid ✓
(b) Acetic acid
(c) Citric acid
(d) Glyceric acid

vii. The bread dough rises during alcoholic fermentation is due to:
(a)Methyl alcohol
(b) CO2
(c) Ethyl alcohol
(d) H2O

viii. The container use to grow bacteria on large scale are called:
(a) Chillers
(b) Sterilizers
(c) Fermenters (Fermentor) ✓
(d) Ferments

ix. Naturally occurring enzyme used as a defense chemical by bacteria:
(a) Defense protein
(b) Restriction enzyme ✓
(c) Hydrolytic enzyme
(d) ligase enzyme

x. Extra circular DNA which use as vector of gene is:
(a) Genome
(b) Plasmid ✓
(c) Pilli
(d) Ligase

xi. It is the commercialization of cell and molecular biology.
(a) Genetics
(b) Inheritance
(c) Biotechnology ✓
(d) Heredity

xii. It is controlled use of biological agents for beneficial use.
(a) Genetics
(b) Inheritance
(c) Biology
(d) Biotechnology ✓

xiii. When segment of DNA are cut and pasted together to form new sequence, the result is known as ______ DNA.
(a) duplicate
(b) recombinant ✓
(c) recombine
(d) Ligase

1. Biotechnology can be defined as "the use of living organisms, cells or cellular components for the production of compounds or precise genetic improvement of living things for the benefit of man".
2. Biotechnology is integrated use of biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology to achieve technological application of the capabilities of biological agents.

3. An important way of making ATP without oxygen is called fermentation.

4. There are two major types of anaerobic fermentation: lactic acid fermentation and ethanol fermentation.
5. Fermentation is carried out by the bacteria Streptococcus and Lactobacillus species for souring milk into yogurt and production of various types of cheese.
6. Yeasts in bread dough use alcoholic fermentation and produce carbon dioxide gas.
7. The carbon dioxide gas forms bubbles in the yeast dough, which cause the dough to expand.
8. The process of fermentation is a natural preservative, which means that fermented foods can last a long time.
9. The fermentor is to provide a stable and optimal environment for microorganisms to reproduce and interact with substrate for required product.
10. To manipulate cells and DNA, scientists use tools.
11. Restriction enzymes are naturally occurring enzymes and are used to cut up DNA use like scissors to snip specific genes from DNA.
12. DNA ligase enzyme is used in nature to repair broken DNA.
13. Plasmids are circular units of DNA.
14. Plasmids can be engineered to carry genes of interest.
15. Single-Cell Protein (SCP) is a term represents microbial cells (primary) grown in mass culture and harvested for use as protein sources in foods or animal feeds.

16. Single Cell Protein (SCP) is not a pure protein but refers to whole cells of bacteria, yeasts, filamentous fungi or algae.
17. Many types of animal feeds contain single cell proteins.
18. 60-80%  dry cell weight; contains nucleic acids, fats, CHO, vitamins, and minerals rich in essential amino acids (Lys-Met).
19. Hungarian agriculture engineer called Karl Ereky coined the word Biotechnolgy.
20. Genetic engineering refers to any process in which an organism's genome is intentionally altered.
21. A DNA fragment may be isolated from one organism, spliced to other DNA fragments, and put into a bacterium or another organism. This process is called cloning.
22. In 1978, the first genetically engineered drug, human insulin was produced by bacteria.
23. DNA fingerprints is utilized for identification of parents and criminals.
24. Fermentation is the process by which living organism such as yeast and bacteria are employed to produce useful compounds or products.
25. Lactic acid fermentation is also used by your own muscles when you work then hard and fast.
26. Alcoholic fermentation is carried out by yeast saccharomyces cerevisiae and some bacteria.
27. Alcoholic fermentation is used to make bread, wine, and biofuels.
28. Fermentation changes the chemical environment of a food.
29. Fermentation is an important process in the preparation of food for human consumption.
30. E coli stands for Escherichia coli.
31. Bacteriophages is also known as phages.
32. Bacteriophages are virus that infect bacteria.
33. Cells that have recombinant DNA are known as genetically modified organism (GMO) or transgenic cells.
34. Sleeping sickness (trypanosomiasis) is caused by a parasite called Trypanosoma brucei.
35. A gene called p-53 which normally keeps cells under control and work best to suppress cancer cells.

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