



Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks


Choose the correct answer:
i) The process which is essential for continuing and survival of species is:
(a) Digestion
(b) Respiration
(c) Reproduction ✓
(e) Excretion

ii) The type of reproduction which is necessary for evolution is:
(a) Vegetative propagation
(b) Fragmentation
(c) Sexual reproduction ✓
(d) cloning

iii) The unicellular structure, responsible for asexual reproduction without fusion is:
(a) Pores
(b) Spores ✓
(c) Gametes
(d) Pollen grains

iv) The example of stem which run horizontally on surface of soil to produce vegetatively:
(a) Mint
(b) Ginger
(c) Onion
(d) Bryophyllum ✓

v) Plant stem that arise from buds on the base of parent plants are:
(a) Bulb
(b) Rhizome ✓
(c) Sucker
(d) Runner

vi) The type of seed production without fusion of male and female gametes is:
(a) Parthenocarpy
(b) Apormixes ✓
(c) Grafting
(d) Scion

vii) The female gametophyte of anglosparmic plant is
(a) Embryo sac ✓
(b) Ovule
(c) Ovary
(d) Carpel

viii) The 3N zygote is angiosperm develop into:
(a) Seed coat
(b) Cotyledon
(c) Embryo
(d) Endosperm ✓

ix) The male gonads in rabbit are:
(a) Testis ✓
(b) Ovaries
(c) Scrotal sac
(d) Vasdeferens

x) The female gametes are fertilized in the rear end of:
(a) Oviduct
(b) Follopin tube
(c) Ovaries
(d) Both a and b ✓


xi) In this type of reproduction only one parent is involved.
a) Sexual
b) Asexual ✓
c) None of the above
d) Both a and b

xii) In this type of reproduction usually two parents of opposite sexes are involved.
a) Sexual ✓
b) Asexual
c) None of the above
d) Both a and b

xiii) In this type of reproduction, the off springs are exactly similar to their parent.
a) Sexual
b) Asexual ✓
c) None of the above
d) Both a and b

xiv) In this type of reproduction, the off springs are exactly similar to any one of the parent.
a) Sexual ✓
b) Asexual
c) None of the above
d) Both a and b

xv) The splitting of cell into two or more cells is called:
a) Fission ✓
b) Budding
c) sporangium
d) Vegetative Propagation

xvi) This type of reproduction takes place in bacteria under favorable conditions.
a) Binary Fission ✓
b) Multiple Fission
c) None of the above
d) Both a and b

xvii) Bacterium divides into two bacteria within _____ minutes.
a) 10
b) 20 ✓
c) 30
d) 40

xviii) In this type of asexual reproduction the parent cell forms a small out growth which is called bud.
a) Fission
b) Budding ✓
c) sporangium
d) Vegetative Propagation

xix) This type of reproduction takes place in yeast and plants:
a) Fission
b) Budding ✓
c) sporangium
d) Vegetative Propagation

xx) In fungi and algae asexual reproductive structure _________ is developed on their body.
a) rhizomes
b) gametes
c) sporangium ✓
d) buds

xxi) In these plants rhizomes grow to developed into new plant:
a) Grass and strawberry
b) Sweet potato
c) ginger ✓
d) onion and garlic

xxii) In these plants runners grow to developed into new plant:
a) Grass and strawberry ✓
b) mint
c) ginger
d) onion and garlic

xxiii) Mint are reproduced by following vegetative part of plant:
a) Runner
b) Rhizomes
c) Stolon ✓
d) Bulb

xxiv) In these plants bulbs grow to developed into new plant:
a) Grass and strawberry
b) mint
c) ginger
d) onion and garlic ✓

xxv) potato is reproduced by following vegetative part of plant:
a) Runner
b) Rhizomes
c) Root tuber
d) Stem tuber ✓

xxvi) Sweet potato is reproduced by following vegetative part of plant:
a) Runner
b) Rhizomes
c) Root tuber ✓
d) Stem tuber

xxvii) In these plants bulbils grow to developed into new plant
a) Grass and strawberry
b) Bryophyllus ✓
c) Opuntia
d) onion and garlic

xxvii) In these plants Phylloclades grow to developed into new plant
a) Opuntia ✓
b) Bryophyllus
c) mint
d) Potato

xxviii) Sugar cane, sweet potato and rose can be reproduced by this type of artificial vegetative reproduction:
a) budding
b) cutting ✓
c) grafting
d) cloning

xxix) oranges, lime and mango can be reproduced by this type of artificial vegetative reproduction:
a) budding
b) cutting
c) grafting ✓
d) cloning

xxx) In angiosperm plants sexual reproduction takes place through or Reproductive part of angiosperm plants is:
a) Root
b) Stem
c) Leaves
d) Flowers ✓

31) The seed coat consists of an outer thick layer called:
a) radicle
b) testa ✓
c) tegmen
d) plumule

32) The seed coat consists of an inner thin wall called:
a) radicle
b) testa
c) tegmen ✓
d) plumule

33) The seed also contains leaf-like structure called:
a) cotyledon ✓
b) radicle
c) tegmen
d) plumule

34) Type of asexual reproduction found in Hydra is:
a) Binary fission
b) Multiple fission
c) Budding ✓
d) Fragmentation

35) Type of asexual reproduction found in liver fluke and nematodes.
a) Binary fission
b) Multiple fission
c) Budding
d) Fragmentation ✓

Fill In The Blanks:

1. Reproduction is the vital process by which living organisms produce off springs of their own kind.
2. Asexual reproduction takes place without fusion of male and female gametes (sex cells) i.e. no genetic recombination.
3. Sexual Reproduction takes place as a result of male and female gametic fusion i.e. Genetic recombination occur.
4. Asexual reproduction in Protist, Bacteria and Plants takes place by fision, budding, spores, vegetative propagation.
5. Vegetative natural propagation means reproduction takes place by any part of plant except flower i.e by roots, stem, leaves and sucker.
6. Artificial vegetative propagation takes place by cutting, grafting, cloning and apomixes.
7. Sexual reproduction requires flower.
8. Stamen produce pollen grain which develop into male gametophyte i.e pollen tube.
9. Carpel contain ovule in its ovary.
10. Ovule has embryo sac (female gametophyte) which produce ovum.
11. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of carpel.
12. There are two types of pollination i.e self and cross pollination.
13. After pollination pollen grain develop pollen tube carry male gametes to ovule where ovum is present.
14. One of the male gamete fuse with ovum to produce 2N Zygote.
15. 2N Secondary nucleus fuse with another male gamete to produce 3N Zygote.  This process is called  Double fertilization.
16. The ovule after fertilization develops into seed where as ovary develops into fruit.
17. Seed is fertilized develop ovule contain dormant embryo.
18. The breaking of seed dormancy is called seed germination.
19. Seed germinate into two ways i.e Epigeal and Hypogeal germination.
20. Asexual reproduction in animal takes place by fission, budding, fragmentation ( Regeneration).
21. Sexual reproduction has three steps: i) Gametogenesis ii) Mating iii) Fertilization.
22. Spermetogenesis is the formation of sperm.
23. Oogenesis is the formation of ovum.
24. Male and female reproductive organs Tetstis and ovaries respectively are called Gonads, which produce gametes.
25.Vas deferens and Oviduct or fallopian tube are Ducts, which are gametes collecting tubes.
26. ) Genitals are gametes donating or receiving organs.
27. Glands of male are prostrats, cowper's and seminal vesicle.
28. Glands of female are ovaries.
29. Fertilization is the fusion of male and female gametes form diploid zygote (2N).
30. There are two types of fertilization i.e external and internal fertilization.
31. Population means the total number of beings living in a particular area.
32. Population planning is a policy to limit the growth in number of population.
33. Sexually transmitted disease are those which are passed from one person to another through genital organ and genital fluid.
34. Suckers are known as root sprouts.
35. In grafting, the plant from which the branch is taken is called scion and the plant to which it is joined is called stock.
36. Cloning is also known as Tissue Culture Technology.
37. Apomixes (Parthenogenesis) is the type of asexual reproduction
38. The angiosperm plants are called flowering plant.
39. The first wheel (whirls) of flower calyx consists of sepals.
40.  The second wheel (whirls) of flower  corolla consists petals.
41. Androecium is the third wheel and male part of flower and consists of stamens (microsporophyll).
42. Gynoecium is the fourth wheel and female part of flower and consists of carpels (megasporophyll).
43. The vegetative parts of a plant are root, stem and leaves while flower, fruit, seed are floral parts.
44. The endosperm provides nourishment to the developing embryo.
45. The ovule develops into seed.
46. The integument develop into seed coat.
47. Ovary developed into fruit.
48. Some fruit may formed without fertilization. This mechanism is called parthenocarpy.
49. Example of Parthenocarpy (formation of seedless fruit) is banana.
50. During germination plumule develops into shoot while radicale develops into root.
51. Seeds do not germinate at temperature below 0°C or above 45°C.
52. Epigeal (Epi = above, geo = earth) germination is the type of germination where seeds come above the soil during germination.
53. Hypogeal (Hypo = below, geo = earth) germination is the type of germination where seeds remain in the soil during germination.
54. Binary fission is commonly observed in unicellular organisms like protozoa.
55. Multiple fission is found in Plasmodium.
56. Sex-cells or gametes are haploid (N).
57. Zygote is diploid (2N).
58. Gametogenesis is the process of formation of gametes.
59. Mating is the union of male and female organisms to collect their gametes at same place.
60. External Fertilization takes place in Fishes and amphibians.
61. Internal Fertilization takes place in reptiles, aves and mammals.
62. AIDS stands for Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
63. HIV stands for Human Immuno-deficiency Virus.
64. Some of the sexually transmitted diseases are Gonorrhea, AIDS, Syphilis, Genital herpes etc.

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