


Biology For Class X - Chapter No. 3 - Coordination And Control - Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks



Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks


Choose the correct answer:
i) The activity in relation to changes in environment is:
(a) Stimulus
(b) Response ✓
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these

ii) Stimulus is detected by:
(a) Receptor ✓
(b) Effector
(c) Nerve
(d) All of these

iii) The type of coordination through electrochemical signals is:
(a) Nervous ✓
(b) Chemical
(c) Mechanical
(d) All of these

iv) The chemicals released from one cell and carried to signal some distant cell through blood are:
(a) Neurotransmitters
(b) Enzymes
(c) Hormones ✓
(d) all of these

v) The type of coordination exhibited by Plants:
(a) Nervous coordination
(b) Chemical coordination ✓
(c) Mechanical coordination
(d) Both a & b

vi) The part of brain involved in reasoning is:
(a) Fore brain
(b) Cerebrum
(c) Cortex
(d) Frontal lobe✓

vii) The part of brain involved in balance and precision in movements is:
(a) Cerebrum
(b) Cerebellum ✓
(c) Thalamus
(d) Medulla oblongata

viii) Vital functions for survival of animals are regulated by:
(a) CNS ✓
(b) PNS
(c) somatic sub-division
(d) Autonomic sub-division

ix) The shortest path of reflex action consists of:
(a) 1 neuron
(b) 2 neurons ✓
(c) 3 neurons
(d) many neurons

x) The type of lens in our eye is:
(a) Convex ✓
(b) concave
(c) Both a & b
(d) None of these

xi) The automatic process of altering focus to get sharper image of near object is:
(a) Vision
(b) Accommodation ✓
(c) Focus
(d) All of these

xii) The vitamin necessary for proper vision is:
(a) Vitamin A ✓
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin D

xiii) A colour blind person cannot see:
(a) Anything
(b) Red ✓
(c) White
(d) Black

xiv) The book “Kitab-ul-manazir” was written by:
(a) Jabir bin Hayan
(b) Ibn-al-Haitham ✓
(c) Ali Ibn-Isa
(d) Bu-Ali Sina

xv) Sensory hair-cells are present in:
(a) Retina
(b) Cochlea ✓
(c) Skin
(d) Nose

xvi) The gonads are the target organ for:
(a) FSH
(b) LH
(c) Both a & b ✓
(d) None of these

Fill In The Blanks:
1. The changes or stimuli are detected by special cells or organs termed as RECEPTORS.
2. The activity or response performed after analyzing stimulus is exhibited by organs like muscles, glands which are termed as effectors.

3. There are two types of coordination: 1) Chemical Coordination, 2) Nervous Coordination
4. The neurons upon stimulation generate electrochemical signal.
5. Lower organisms and plants have chemical coordination through signaling molecules.
6. Human nervous system like other vertebrates is “centralized-type nervous system”.
7. Brain is the major command and control center of our body.
8. Human brain consists of following important parts: Cerebrum, cerebellum, thalamus, hypothalamus and medulla oblongata.
9. Spinal cord is a butterfly-shaped, thick, whitish, long tube like structure which arises from medulla oblongata and extends down through the vertebral column.

10. Peripheral Nervous System consists of cables or Nerves which arise from the central nervous system and connect it to different organs of the body.

11. The cells of the nervous system are termed as neurons.
12. Each neuron is specialized to generate and conduct neuronal signal or nerve impulse.
13. The pathway of a reflex action is termed as reflex arc.
14. Human body can detect number of stimuli like light, sound, gravity, damage to the tissues, etc, through its various receptors.
15. Accommodation is an automatic process of altering focus to get sharper image of the near objects.

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